Thursday, June 23, 2016

When you think about being happy, does money come to mind?


There are goals, and then there’s reality.

And when it comes to money, the gap between the two can seem impossible to bridge.

There are sayings like "money doesn't buy happiness." But … is that true?

TD Ameritrade asked a bunch of people that, and, well, it kinda depends who you ask.

Some people aren’t so sure.

Some point out that money doesn’t guarantee happiness.

But, there is that whole matter of having a roof over your head and food to eat. Pretty darn hard to do any of those things without having at least some money.

It is a necessity, after all. But how much do you really need?

Is $75,000 the magic number? Or is it $100,000? One million? One billion?

It really depends on who you are, what you do, and what you want. It’s not one size fits all.

While the money/happiness correlation is up for debate, there’s one thing that pretty much everyone agreed on: The people in our lives definitely bring us happiness.

Moments with them are the ones that make our hearts skip a beat.

Like hanging with siblings ... and torturing them a little bit in the name of fun.

Or wedding days, when you embrace your future with the person you truly love.

This guy says it best.

So, who or what is it that makes you happy?


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