Monday, June 27, 2016

The reactions to the Supreme Court's abortion ruling are just plain awesome.

This is a huge victory for abortion rights.


June 27, 2016 was a good day for reproductive rights advocates — a really, really good day.

The Supreme Court issued a favorable ruling in Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that would determine the fate of the majority of Texas' abortion clinics. More broadly speaking, the challenge had to do with whether or not lawmakers could effectively outlaw abortion through regulations that would make it near-impossible for clinics to stay open. According to the decision, they can't.

This is very good news for abortion rights.

Activists on both sides of the debate demonstrate in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on June 27, 2016. Photo by Pete Marovich/Getty Images.

This ruling effectively stated that governments can't try to outlaw abortion by way of regulation. This is HUGE.

Targeted regulations aimed at abortion providers — commonly known as TRAP laws — have been the weapon of choice in the battle against abortion rights. These laws are typically designed to make it as hard as possible for clinics that provide abortions to remain open — regulating things like hallway width, ceiling height, and hospital admitting privileges. These laws are couched in language that makes it appear that the lawmakers are concerned for the person getting an abortion's safety, but in reality, it only makes it harder to access the procedure.

Many argue this constitutes an undue burden on those seeking an abortion, and on this day, the court agreed by a margin of 5-3.

Pro-choice activists demonstrate in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on June 27, 2016. Photo by Pete Marovich/Getty Images.

As soon as the decision came out, the internet reacted in predictable fashion with lots of celebration to go around.

Former Texas state senator Wendy Davis was pretty pumped for the ruling. You may remember her as the woman who led a 13-hour filibuster while it was a bill in the Texas statehouse back in 2013.

Others celebrated in less conventional (but still really awesome) ways. For example, here's a dancing uterus!

Others, like Rewire News Legal Analyst Imani Gandy, busted out the celebratory breakfast booze.

Current politicians got in on the action, with Hillary Clinton, Senator Patty Murray, as well as representatives Katherine Clark and Nancy Pelosi expressing their happiness with the outcome.

Outside the courthouse, supporters cheered the decision after an anxious morning wait.

In a case with far-reaching implications for millions of women across the United States, the court ruled 5-3 to strike down measures which activists say have forced more than half of Texas's abortion clinics to close. Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.

Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.

Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.

While the ruling is certainly reason to celebrate, the fight for reproductive justice rages on.

"Three years ago watching the 'unruly mob' shake the capitol shouting down a government attempting to demolish their rights, I fell in love with Texas," writer and reproductive rights activist Katie Klabusich told Upworthy. "The activists and clinic owners are tireless and inspiring; the abortion fund volunteers are heroes.

"Even with the win today, millions of people in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi must wait, travel, and endure undue burdens to access basic healthcare. Until we as a culture recognize that abortion has existed as long as pregnancy and is basic healthcare, these attacks on our rights will continue. It's time we loudly say enough is enough, Stop The Sham."

Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.

This day, though? This day is for celebrating.


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