Thursday, September 24, 2015

She lived a life both blind and deaf until a neighbor told her about a surgery she needed.

When people used to see a woman named Tikka on the streets of Nepal, her head was often faced down toward the ground.

She wasn't trying to be anti-social...

...she just couldn't see or hear anything.

I don't blame her. It was hard to interact!

Tikka was blind and deaf and wasn't able to take care of herself or contribute to her community like she wanted. Luckily, her hero daughter never left her side, making sure Tikka had what she needed every day. And as any caretaker knows, that's an exhausting life.

But Tikka didn't have to be blind. She just didn't know it.

After all, it's hard to know about your options when you don't have any around you. In fact, 80% of all blindness in the world is either preventable or curable — but what happens when the cure isn't available?

In comes Seva.

Down the road in a nearby village, a Seva Eye Camp had set up shop. A neighbor told Tikka's family that there was a mobile surgical center for people who needed access to eye care and to sight-restoring surgeries but lacked the typical resources in the areas they lived in. Areas like remote villages in Nepal.

Tikka and her daughter caught word of the eye camp and walked the distance to check it out. Their world was about to get a whole lot bigger and brighter. She was able to get the 15-minute cataract surgery she didn't know she needed.

In just the last 25 years, the Seva Foundation has provided surgery to restore the eyesight of 3.5 MILLION people around the world.

That's a lot — and Tikka was one of them. I love it!

Her smile is the best... and you can see more of it in the video below.

The coolest part? You too can help people like Tikka see again through a TOMS-supported cataract surgery from their Sight Giving Partner, Seva. Your purchase of TOMS eyewear helps restore sight to an individual through sight-saving surgery, prescription glasses or medical treatment.

If you don't need another pair of sunglasses, it's all good. You can also support the Seva Foundation by directly donating to the organization here.

The gift of sight can open up a whole new world and help us all work toward a more equal, productive, and happy time while we're here on this planet ... together.

Tikka knows the power of sight. Her story is quite a special one. Check out her story here:

The Seva Foundation prevents blindness, provides sight-restoring surgeries and works with local partners to develop sustainable eye care programs in local communities. Right now they're in 20 countries! Read more about their work here.

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