Friday, August 4, 2017

This dad perfectly nails fatherhood with his hilarious comics.

Jonathan Jui has hopped around a lot in his life.

He was born in London, raised in Cincinnati, schooled in New England, and employed in Asia, all before moving back to London again to settle down with a woman he calls "my middle-school sweetheart."

The couple gave birth to their son, Milo, last year. He's 18 months old now. Cue the all-too-familiar journey: Diapers. Vomit. Sleep deprivation. Laughter. Joy. Poop. Repeat.

Jui doesn't have much of an artistic background outside of a little drawing in elementary school, but he wanted to find a way to hold on to the hilarious, painful, and even mundane moments that began to fill his days.

So he started drawing.

Jui creates cartoons to "capture those inopportune moments you don't want to forget."

When it's not a good time to stop and take a picture, or writing about the moment later feels forced, Jui draws it.

All images by Jonathan Jui, used with permission.

He began sharing the drawings on Instagram, not really expecting anyone to take notice.

But over the months, his following ballooned by thousands and thousands.

He says he tries to find humor in every situation and express that in his art.

"I want to feel like I'm part of a broader group of people who are suffering to some degree under the weight of parenthood," he says. "It's just trying to find the silver linings."

He tackles the obvious: Potty-training gone wrong. The mind-numbing routine. And the sweet little moments that make it all worth it.

In one post, he laments the size and smell of his young son's bowel movements. In another, Jui pokes fun at his own inability to cook the most basic dishes.

It's raw and hilarious honesty. No wonder people have responded so strongly.

"I like the fact that it will usually make another person smile or have a nice chuckle," Jui says of his work. "It makes you feel like you're not alone."

He also says it's a subtle taste of what's to come for all his friends — and others — who don't have kids yet.

"I really enjoy when people say, 'This is me right now.'"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to go for," he says.

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