Thursday, July 28, 2016

These 17 comics get real about what it feels like to be a new parent.

'New Mom Comics' lets other new parents know that they are not alone.


Alison H. Wong is a new mom.

Diapers, baby videos, and unyielding cuteness has become her life. But she isn't only a mom; she's also a freelance design consultant with a knack for comic art. So what did the new mom do when her parenting got ... erm ... difficult?

Wong merged two loves of her life together to create "New Mom Comics."

"I created 'New Mom Comics' to let other new parents know that they are not alone," Wong wrote in an email. "When I met other new moms, I realized that we had the same issues and drew these comics because I wish I had something like this to get me through the first year."

Wong took inspiration from her and her partner Eli's life with their newborn by drawing the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious.

"For me, comics better captured the joys, frustrations, and crazy emotions around new parenthood," Wong said. "Even though some days were really hard, I wanted to end on a positive note and add some humor. That's what got me through the tough days."

Here are some of Wong's most telling memories of her start in motherhood.

1. Getting the baby to sleep is a job for the strong at heart.

2. Babygate: the parenting scandal that rocked nap time.

3. Balding goals are legit.

4. 'Blowout' is no longer just a new hairstyle.

5. Baby style: 1. Mommy style: -3.

6. Eating? Psh ... that's for weaklings. (Totally kidding, always eat.)

7. Please, give your hands a break every now and then.

8. Parenting 101: They're alive; you're just freaking out.

9. New clothes have an entirely new meaning.

10. Very funny, Eli.

11. Nap time for the baby is premium grocery planning time.

12. Rough days happen. You'll get through them.

13. Shopping with a baby can be a little distracting.

14. Sleeping through the night is just for the baby. Literally.

15. *Stroller dance, stroller dance, stroller dance!*

16. Seriously, how many tags are there?

17. Even when the victories are small, always cheer yourself on. You deserve it, new mom.

Being a new mom can be hard, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

"There's humor in even the most challenging moments, and it will pass all too quickly, and you'll miss it before you realize it's gone," Wong said.


Alison Wong is currently working on putting a book together of the first year of comics. You can reach her on her website or through Facebook.

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