Saturday, December 19, 2015

They had a GoPro running when they found a kitten in the snow. See the miraculous rescue.


Kittens: They’re tiny, they’re adorable, and they account for 99% of Snapchats sent by their obsessed owners.

Most importantly, they are universally loved. I mean, even the most stubborn dog-lover among us would have to be a serial killer to not enjoy this scene.

Look at me and feel your worries melt away. GIFs via GoPro/Youtube.

Basically, kittens are the source of all the good in the world and deserve our constant friendship and adoration. But, like people, they also make mistakes (and I’m not just talking about getting stuck in a tree).

This family learned the hard way that kittens sometimes need a helping hand from their upright-walking mammal friends.

Branden Bingham and his family were playing in the snow outside their cabin in Bear Lake, Utah, on Thanksgiving morning when they stumbled upon a distressing sight: a tiny, helpless kitten that was practically frozen. They knew they couldn’t simply chalk it up to "the will of nature" and go about their day.

Not today, Mother Nature. Not today.

In fact, they did the exact opposite, springing into action and rushing the nearly lifeless cat — who had apparently been caught out in the previous night’s blizzard — into their house.

Help is on the way!

The kitten wasn’t moving and didn’t even appear to be breathing, but Branden’s brother was still convinced that he could save him and immediately began performing CPR with the hopes of kickstarting the little guy’s heart.

"I truly believed that there was no chance," recalled Branden. "Everyone in the room was just telling him to give up. He’d given it his all, but it was time to stop."

With all due respect, Branden, that wasn’t the best advice. What if Michael Phelps had just "given up," after his fifth Olympic medal, Branden? What if George Washington "gave up" while crossing the Delaware, Branden?! WHAT IF ROCKY HAD "GIVEN UP" AFTER MICKEY DIED, BRANDEN?! ANSWER ME THAT!

Luckily, Brendan’s brother had no such quit in him and continued to stick by the kitten’s side, doing whatever he could think of to bring him back to life, until…

How do you like dem apples, Branden?!

Yep, thanks to a can-do attitude and a little quick thinking, the Binghams were able to do the near-impossible, nursing the kitten back from the brink of a chilly demise.

The entire event was captured on Branden’s GoPro and has since been made an official selection of the GoPro awards. As for the kitten, well, he was given to Branden’s cousin (despite Branden’s son’s protests) and now lives a happy, fulfilled life — the majority of which is apparently spent chasing his big brother’s tail.

So, so close.

The kitten’s new family eventually got around to naming him "Lazarus," but personally, I’d have gone with something more wintry, like "Snowball." Or maybe "Blizzard." Or maybe "He Who Conquered Winter’s Icy Grasp with The Fire of A Thousand Suns."

Or maybe just "Mittens."


Original video from GoPro.

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